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Momentum in Isolation

Writer: Ben Milne Ben Milne

Updated: Jan 28, 2024

Here we are- midway into the eighth month of the year, 153 days since we went into a full lockdown in the UK. Suffice to say when nothing has been the same since, and more than likely will ever be the same again- life as we know it!

Good and bad? however which way you choose to interpret the changes. What’s pivotal is the perception and mindset you apply moving forward, in understanding how we must accept the unforeseen future.

Speaking with people recently who worked the whole way through, others who’ve since gone back into full time mode now, and some who have no return to normal working conditions back in the office- till after the new year! Clearly everyone has been affected by the changes in routine, in some capacity. Particularly anyone who unfortunately has been left jobless all together.

Understanding there’s always coping mechanisms to draw upon, when in times of uncertainty, and unrest. Never underestimate the power and resolve in keeping simplicity to the forefront. Establishing clarity, keeping thought patterns progressive in not allowing them to dictate your mood, but being in control of your thoughts!

Here’s a basic checklist to incorporate into your daily/weekly routine in helping keep stability, and ensuring your motivation is where it needs to be- focusing on moving forward with a more positive frame of mind. Eliminating anxieties, and helping contain frustrations you may be experiencing in these unprecedented time’s.



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